Thursday, 3 November 2011

hypocrisy at Occupy Auckland: jew financiers still addicted to racism

A story has emerged from Occupy Auckland as the result of some from the movement making a token protest against Citibank, as reported in the NBR 29/10/11 (link below).  “One protestor expressed concern about what he called a "Zionist conspiracy" and the influence of the “Rothschild banking dynasty.”

Google "Zionist conspiracy" and you get “About 1,260,000 results (0.16 seconds)”.  The fact that Google identifies these web pages in 0.16 seconds is solid evidence that capitalism ain't all bad, huh?  Google “Rothschild banking dynasty” and you get “About 923,000 results (0.15 seconds)”.  So this lone protestor has a cultural base of 2 million plus websites providing a solid consensual basis for his personal concern.

Imagine my surprise, then, when I got an email informing me that a jewish woman helping to organise Occupy Auckland has launched an initiative trying to get the movement to deprive the lone protestor of his right of free speech.  Apparently she is leading their grievance committee, which is quite an achievement given that the movement has agreed to have no leaders!

Someone should explain to her that protesting any jewish financial or political cabal cannot reasonably be interpreted as an attack on the entire jewish race.  If there is such a thing. The thing is to hold wrong-doers accountable for their behaviour - and punish them for harming others.  The fact that wrong-doers belong to any particular ethnicity is irrelevant.  If the people in Occupy Auckland are so stupid that they let this woman get away with silencing the lone protestor, they may find out he's not really alone - and they may lose their entire support base in the populace.

The right of free speech is enshrined in a United Nations covenant (see Article 19 in the link below).  People need to act accordingly, not try to suppress it.  Speaking truth to power is now a widely acknowledged primal need that people are experiencing in contemporary society.  This has been so the past couple of decades.  Attempting to silence someone by invoking assumptions that politically correct behaviour requires conformity from all in a group is liable to bring the group into disrepute.  She should know better than to do this!  Non-conformists provide a healthy contribution to society by illuminating various dimensions of any debate and thus increasing cultural diversity.

Moral guidance requires an understanding of notions such as integrity, authenticity, hypocrisy and wisdom.  Someone who is obviously clueless in this regard is a poor exemplar.  But abysmal performance can always be redeemed.  Folks in Occupy Auckland ought to explain to her all these considerations, and with a bit of luck she'll see the errors of her ways.  Then it will be necessary to identify the practices of the financial cabals that are mass-producing victims around the world, as an essential part of the report that the grievance committee is formulating.

If the committee doesn't include the identity of the culprits in it's report, we will consider it a failure.  The truth must be told.

In the usury wiki there's an historical review of the notion with religious observance specified.  Traditional jewish practise of usury is mandated by a variety of the Bible quotes listed going right back into the early parts of the old testament (root sources around 3 millennia ago) - but only against non-jews!  Doing it against other jews is specifically forbidden by the word of God - see the relevant quotes.

Note the irony of this woman complaining about the NBR article creating the impression that Occupy is anti-semitic (ie racist) whereas the jews have been practising institutionalised racism in their financial practices since before the start of their recorded historyThe hypocrisy of making the lone protestor seem racist in this context is remarkable.

The financier jews are free to choose to abandon their racism at any time, of course.  She could ask them to issue this public statement:  "Someone has pointed out that we have always practised usury upon non-jews.  This is true of course, but our excuse is that God told us to do it. Sorry, God was wrong.  We won't do it any more, okay?  Promise, cross our hearts & hope to die."

One can imagine the scene if they actually did this: the Jewish God would reward that hope!!  The heavens would open & an enormous bolt of lightning and heavenly fire would issue forth, smiting not all the practitioners of usury - just the ones who issued the public apology... :)

Dennis Frank, 30/10/11

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