Friday, 4 November 2011

Nats & Greens swap campaign slogans

Bemused at the Greens campaign slogan on all the election posters, promising to make us all rich, I then noticed the Nats' election posters were promising a brighter future & the penny immediately dropped!  Obviously the 2 parties have done a deal to swap their respective traditional brand identifications in order to get a blue-green coalition up & running! 
Truly forward thinking from John Key, knowing that the Nats have been a shoo-in to win this election since Phil Goff agreed to be their patsy, so he's decided on a strategy that will set him up for retaining power over the next decade or so.

Since everyone wants to be rich, and most people are stupid enough to think it'll happen if they vote for the party that promises to do it for them, the Nats' cabal of strategists figured the best way to help the Greens out of their ghetto of 7% of the voters - where it's been static since the 1990 election - is to give them use of the traditional right-wing slogan that pushes the capitalist get-rich-quick scheme button in the psyche of the voter.

The deal requires the Greens to yield up the vision of a brighter future promised by the sustainable society.  No problem - it hasn't got the party any extra traction over the past 20 years.
So the scenario for creating a durable blue-green coalition has a wide swathe of voters that used to vote blue following the lure & switching to vote green, probably enough to get the Greens up to around 15% of the popular vote & create a sizeable rump of Green MPs in parliament.  National can afford to ditch 8% of the voters and still win handily, owing to Phil Goff's solid reputation as a right-winger going back a quarter century to when he was one of the rogernomes privatising state assets all over the place in the '80s.  Phil is remaining staunch in his stance of being a friendly tory just like John Key to ensure Labour can't be distinguished as a separate brand from National by most voters, in order to keep the Labour vote below 30%. 
Credit has to got to the party hacks in National and the Greens who dreamed up such a sophisticated scheme.  You never thought they could be that clever, eh?  After complaining in my editorial about the Greens being incapable of lateral thinking, looks like they're set to prove me wrong!  Punters may be tempted to respond that the Greens are not being so gauche as to actually promise to make individuals richer.  True enough, the slogan reads For a Richer New Zealand, so the extra wealth is intended for the country as a whole.  Clearly a socialist wolf in capitalist sheep's clothing!!  They've managed to outwit the Nats at their own game, can you believe it??  That's true sophistication in political strategising!  Take a bow, you clever lateral-thinking greenies!

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